Friday, August 10, 2012


HAYYY!!!! SORRY I HAVE COMPANY!!! MY MOM AND HER BOYFRIEND ARE VISITING! Yesterday I had orientation for school!!! It was fun!!! CANT WAIT!!! and then I went to a pool party at my friends pool :) We left at 230 and Isabella came home with me. She ended up sleeping over because we were going somewhere the next day which was today. Last night we went to Raffertys. I got chicken and french fries!!! It. was. delicious. haha then she slept over and this morning, My mom, Ian (my moms boyfriend), Isabella and I went to the georgia aquarium!!! WE SAW THE DOLPHIN TALE SHOW!!! I LOVE DOLPHINS FOR THE RECORD!! THEY ARE MY FAVORITE ANIMALS!!!!! :) We were gonna also go to the coke world.. BUTTTTTT we didn't.  It was too late so we came back and Isabella got picked up and then I read.. red? re- wait past tense of reading :) there we go ok and then we ordered chinese and we were gonna go to a movie but we didnt finish in time! hahah I was reading some more and now im on the computer texting this guy Ben he's wondering if he's in this! and now he is unless I said something before but I dont know... but yeah :) ahha im texting him and doing this blog! HHAHA he's really cool haha and has brown hair? ahha Thats all I know what to say but yeah haha!! hes cool!!! :)
now I gotta check if hes in anymore!! OHHH AND IM WATCHING PAUL BLART!! FUNNY MOVIE :) HEHE well gtg bye :) see ya sunday!!! day before school starts! oh! and I might do one on the first day also to tell you guys how it went... hopefully good! and I make friends hahah!!! gtg!!!! BYEEEEEE NIGHTTTT

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